December 12, 2021

Merry Christmas and a Blessed 2022 to you!

2021 was a year of changes for All for Him, Inc-- Married life for Tim and Katie Opalenik is opening new doors for ministry and donations. Tim is starting his own 501c3 handyman service to include peope in our community who need help with house repair services. He is doing a great job! Our favorite places to donate this year have been to: House of Hope Nicaragua Please check out their facebook page as April is doing an amazing job with local Nicaraguan leaders to support women and children who are trying to get free from the chains of prostitution. At some point in 2022 or 2023 Tim and I hope to go down and volunteer for a week-- Emmaus Catholic Evangelization Center in Uganda Theses lay families are doing an amazing work of supporting people in dire need in Uganda, incuding our beloved Sudandese who are refugees in northern Uganda. If you'd like to donate to them, you can do so through us, or Grace Ministries with Nancy and Lloyd in Texas who also know Emmaus Center intimately. Connecting with local Homeless persons Tim has an incredible gift of building relationships through our Catholic parish with persons struggling with homelessness. We are continuing to pray about how to practically help theses people in a personal way. Tim and I pray that you are richly blessed this new year. One grace we hope for you is for a deeper grace of "peace that passes understanding" - Philippians 4:6-7 We only find true peace in the One who IS the Prince of Peace, Jesus Christ. May you experience His healing, love and calm in an increasing way during 2022. Peace and Joy to you and those you love!

February 03, 2021

God Found Me My Mission Partner!!!

On April 30th, 2021, I will be Mrs. Tim Opalenik and I am in awe at God's orchestration and timing. Tim and I invite you to watch our wedding on facebook live from my page. I can't wait to share with you more about all God has been doing and what we sense God saying to us in our marriage!

May 14, 2020

In preparations for this special, unique 2020 Pentecost on May 28th, please pray with the worldwide Church as Catholics, Protestants and all peoples.

Our brothers and sisters in 3rd world countries are really struggling during Covid. Please be generous to support missionaries and the smaller missions that are reaching out to those in need.

Thank you for your generosity!!